Message From Head
Professor Dr. Surajit Sarbabidya
Head of the Department
Welcome to the School of Business, a center of advancing career with excellence.
In the present day competitive and challenging environment whether one has the mindset to do a lucrative job under a reputed employer or aims to be an entrepreneur to do business to create job for others, the knowledge of business administration is highly essential. Giving immense priority to this necessity of grooming and developing professionals of tomorrow we have scholastically designed an academically updated and enriched curriculum with industrial and research inputs for the most popular ‘Business Administration Academic Programs’ like BBA (4 Years), MBA (1 Year) for 4 Years Business Administration/Studies Graduates, MBA (2 Years) for Graduates from any discipline and EMBA (16 Months) for experienced executives.
At School of Business we groom our students with professional quality and lasting passion for achievements. With this aim to prepare successful business leaders, the dedicated team of our talented and research-oriented faculty members are always engaged in improving the skills, knowledge, personal qualities and above all educational experience of the students. In addition, we are committed to the continuous development of our programs, courses, research, approach to teaching and everything we do in a way that will ensure ultimate professional excellence of our graduates.
We would also welcome the opportunity to talk to the prospect at our admission fairs and open days. We will be happy to answer any question involving the academic programs and courses of choice or the student experience at School of Business of Britannia University.
We look forward to see the beginning of success journey of our students with us.
Academic Program
The bachelor degree program requires 124 credits and is extended over a period of 4 years. This program is to be completed in 12 semesters, each year having 3 semesters namely:
Spring : February – May
Summer: June – September
Fall: October – January
Each semester will be of 14 weeks duration (out of 14 weeks 13 weeks for theory/lab classes with midterm examination and the last week of the semester is allocated for final exam). Midterm Examination will be held without hampering normal classes.
3 Credit (Theory) means 180 minutes/week
Minimum 124 credits and minimum CGPA 2.00 (Grade D (40% to less than 44%) out of 4.00 are required to obtain BBA Degree.
Grading System:
Numerical Grade | Letter Grade | Grade Point |
80% and above | A+(A plus ) | 4.00 |
75% to less than 79% | A (A Regular) | 3.75 |
70% to less than 74% | A- (A Minus) | 3.5 |
65% to less than 69% | B+ (B Plus) | 3.25 |
60% to less than 64% | B (B Regular) | 3.00 |
55% to less than 59% | B- (B Minus) | 2.75 |
50% to less than 54% | C+ (C Plus) | 2.50 |
45% to less than 49% | C (C Regular) | 2.25 |
40% to less than 44% | D | 2.00 |
Less than 40% | F | 0.00 |
Incomplete | “I” |
CGPA calculation:
Student’s performance will be evaluated on the basis of Grade Point Average (GPA) semester wise and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of total completed courses.
The CGPA will be computed in the following manner:
CGPA =∑(Grade point X Credits)/∑Credits
Performance Evaluation:
The performance of a student in a course is evaluated on the basis of class assessment (attendance, quiz and assignments/viva) and theory exams. Each course will be marked out of 100 distributed as:
Theory Courses
Class Attendence | 10% |
Quiz | 15% |
Assignment/Viva | 5% |
Midterm Examination | 30% |
Final | 40% |
Total | 100% |
Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Surajit Sarbabidya
Dean & Chairman , School of Business

Tania Akter
Lecturer , School of Business

Khaleda Akter
Lecturer , School of Business

Md. Saddam Hossain
Lecturer, School of Business

Farzana Tabassum Rimu
Lecturer ,School of Business

Fatema Tuz Zohra
Lecturer ,School of Business
Md. Amdadul Hoque
Adjunct Faculty Lecturer , Department of Finance & Banking Comilla University
Cell Phone:

Tama Saha
Adjunct Faculty Lecturer, School of Business
Twelve Semester Course Sequence
Course Type, Number of Course and Credits Hours BBA
Semester Wise Course Distribution
First Year (First Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | CSE 101 | Introduction to Computer Science | 100 | 3 |
02 | BBA 111 | Introduction to Business | 100 | 3 |
03 | ENG 101 | Foundation English I | 100 | 3 |
Total | 300 | 9.00 |
First Year (Second Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | MKT 121 | Principles of Marketing | 100 | 3 |
02 | FIN 122 | Principles of Finance | 100 | 3 |
03 | ENG 102 | Foundation English II (Listening & Speaking) | 100 | 3 |
Total | 300 | 9.00 |
First Year (Third Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | MGT 131 | Principles of Management | 100 | 3 |
02 | MGT 132 | Organizational Behavior | 100 | 3 |
03 | ECO 133 | Principles of Micro Economics | 100 | 3 |
Total | 300 | 9.00 |
Second Year (First Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | ACC 241 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 100 | 3 |
02 | ECO 242 | Principles of Macro Economics | 100 | 3 |
03 | FIN 243 | Business Statistics-I | 100 | 3 |
04 | BUS 244 | Business Mathematics-I | 100 | 3 |
Total | 400 | 12.00 |
Second Year (Second Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | BUS 251 | Business Statistics-II | 100 | 3 |
02 | ACC 252 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting | 100 | 3 |
03 | FIN 253 | Principles of Money & Banking | 100 | 3 |
04 | BUS 254 | Business Mathematics-II | 100 | 3 |
Total | 400 | 12.00 |
Second Year (Third Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | HRM 261 | Human Resource Management | 100 | 3 |
02 | BUS 262 | Entrepreneurship Development | 100 | 3 |
03 | BUS 263 | Insurance & Risk Management | 100 | 3 |
04 | BUS 383 | Business Communication | 100 | 4 |
Total | 400 | 12.00 |
Third Year (First Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | MIS 371 | Management Information System | 100 | 3 |
02 | MGT 372 | Supply Chain & Logistics Management | 100 | 3 |
03 | BUS 373 | International Business | 100 | 3 |
04 | BUS 382 | Taxation | 100 | 3 |
Total | 400 | 12.00 |
Third Year (Second Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | BUS 381 | Economic Geography | 100 | 3 |
02 | BUS 391 | Operation Management | 100 | 3 |
03 | BUS 392 | Business Law | 100 | 3 |
04 | BUS 393 | Research Methodology | 100 | 3 |
Total | 400 | 12.00 |
Third Year (Third Semester)
[Major in Finance/ Marketing/ HRM & Minor in Finance/ Marketing/ HRM]
Two courses for major and two courses for minor (4*3=12 Credit hours)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | FIN 4101 | Corporate Finance | 100 | 3 |
02 | FIN 4128 | Working Capital Management | 100 | 3 |
03 | MKT 4101 | Marketing Management | 100 | 3 |
04 | MKT 4102 | Consumer Behavior | 100 | 3 |
05 | HRM 4101 | Human Resource Planning | 100 | 3 |
06 | HRM 4114 | Training and Development Management | 100 | 3 |
Total | 600 | 18.00 |
Fourth Year (First Semester)
[Major in Finance/ Marketing/ HRM & Minor in Finance/ Marketing/ HRM]
Two courses for major and two courses for minor (4*3=12 Credit hours)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | FIN 4113 | Security Analysis and Portfolio Management | 100 | 3 |
02 | FIN 4114 | Public Finance | 100 | 3 |
03 | MKT 4113 | Strategic Marketing | 100 | 3 |
04 | MKT 4127 | Brand Management | 100 | 3 |
05 | HRM 4125 | Human Resource Information System | 100 | 3 |
06 | HRM 4126 | International HRM | 100 | 3 |
Total | 600 | 18.00 |
Fourth Year (Second Semester)
[Major in Finance/ Marketing/ HRM & Minor in Finance/ Marketing/ HRM]
Two courses for major and one course for minor (4*3=09 Credit hours)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | FIN 4125 | International Financial Management | 100 | 3 |
02 | FIN 4126 | Bank Management | 100 | 3 |
03 | MKT 4126 | International Marketing | 100 | 3 |
04 | MKT 4128 | Service Marketing | 100 | 3 |
05 | HRM 4102 | Strategic Human Resource Management | 100 | 3 |
06 | HRM 4113 | Compensation Management | 100 | 3 |
Total | 600 | 18.00 |
Fourth Year (Third Semester)
S/N | Course Code | Course Title | Marks | Credit |
01 | MGT 4120 | Internship Report | 100 | 4 |
Total | 100 | 4.00 |